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Online Marketing, Simple, Easy!
Celebrating 7 Years in Business
Circa August 2017
GENERAL - FAQYou are in our general frequently ask questions section. Please let us know if there are questions we should include to better assist potential clientele. We are always in agreement to streamline our process.
WHAT IS AN SEO FRIENDLY WEBSITE?For many people that don't have much experience with the online web or knowledge of how SEO works, the expectations are not in line with the facts. They think SEO is immediate. It's not. If a marketing company tells you that you will be on the first page or even the second page of your industry within a couple of weeks or even a couple of months, they are lying. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) takes time. It is not a "get rich quick" type deal. A website that has the common tabs, proper labeling, no broken links and a good amount of content is a start for an SEO friendly website. This is what you consider a foundation of your new website and the SEO will continue to improve overtime with proper oversight. This is why it's important to hire a professional. You can do it on your own by taking some online courses and even watching youtube videos of experts in the digital marketing field, but how valuable is your time?
WHAT MAKES A GREAT WEBSITE?Building a website is like building a virtual home online. There has been a home built of all colors, shapes but what makes anything stand out is the little details about it. A great website is if you can create an online representation of the business for potential clients looking for the services in that industry to feel at ease, feel at home and trust. At Cloud 9 Marketing, we pride ourselves in making sure, every website we create for a business is the best representation of our client!
DESCRIBE YOUR CREATIVE PROCESS.We have the client tell us their story on why they started their own business. This is so we can understand the thought process of their reason for being a business owner. We also ask the client to tell us how they see their business. It does not matter what industry you are in. You have to have a clear look, feel and environment on the business you want to create based on the services you are providing. In order for us to know the business we are representing, we need to know these things, so that we can be their duplicate when it comes to increasing sales in their business or building one for the first time. Cheers!
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO START YOUR OWN BUSINESS?I was inspired to start my own business in the social media marketing area because I love social media. I am in the elder side of being a millennial and I grew up seeing be replaced by I am living in exciting times and part of a generation that has seen so many changes in the last 15 years. They say do what you love and so I did. I am honored and very humbled to be working with many small business owners and I look forward to continue to guide startup businesses and old businesses alike to the internet generation. This is no longer a want, but a need and I will help you fill that need, so that your business does not get left behind. - Rafael Aguilar, Owner
WHAT QUESTIONS MIGHT YOU ASK A CLIENT WHEN STARTING A NEW PROJECT?Where do you see the business in the next 5 years and why?
WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT YOUR JOB?We love seeing our clients reactions when they start seeing results sooner rather than later!
WHY SHOULD POTENTIAL CLIENTS CHOOSE YOU?There are hundreds of marketing companies out there and every single company will tell you they are different. We just tell you that we will get the job done. It's worked for us so far and we will continue to do that. It's about preference and cost, we seem to be the perfect fit for the small business owner looking for quality work at a competitive price. Hire us!
CONTRACT - FAQYou are in our contract frequently ask questions section.
IS THE INVOICE A CONTRACT?The proposal / invoice is non-committal and serves as a proposal with a price point that has all the agreed services based on the information gathered by Cloud 9 Marketing regarding the work for the project. When the receiving party (the business accepting the service) reviews the proposal / invoice and makes the payment, the proposal / invoice then serves as a contract between Cloud 9 Marketing and the party that made the payment (if the payment is made, you have read the details of the proposal / invoice). We do not wow you with 15-30 pages of paperwork trying to confuse you on how we can market your business in the internet. We are a business located in Texas and we pride ourselves in doing great work. A single one to two page proposal / invoice is all that is needed. It is in writing, it is simple to understand without confusing you. What matters is delivering you results and we aim to do so.
WHAT IS THE REFUND POLICY?We will do our best to work with the client to make sure the project is completed at a timely manner and consider all request, updates and changes within the dialogue of the work. It is in our best interest to give you the best outcome possible. This is why we have been around for so long. However, because the service offered by Cloud 9 Marketing is already at a very competitive price rate we do not offer a refund after service is purchased. ​ Special Circumstance Appeal Like in any business in any industry special circumstance arises that will need management review. Our goal is to have a fair outcome for both sides. We do not burn bridges, it is not our way, so the few that did take this road, we are proud to say both parties agreed with the outcome. An NDA and an NDC that comes with a penalty if agreement is broken must be signed if considered for the appeal. ​ Keep in mind this is case to case. Any negative reviews, comments will be an immediate disqualification for exemption. The no refund policy will take place and no further communication is open unless with attorneys involved, in most cases, the losing party pays for the winner's attorney fees, court fees to include their own court fees and attorney fees. These types of cases can take several months to even a year by our experience which is a lot of time consumption. This can get very expensive for both parties, so be a reasonable person and let's work together for a fair outcome. If you are considering an appeal, this is our suggestion!
WHAT DOES COMPLIMENTARY MEAN?If you receive a proposal / invoice from Cloud 9 Marketing and it includes additional services that are marked complimentary, this means that we are adding the service in the proposal free of charge (that would normally cost as an individual service). Keep in mind that if you do not accept the proposal at the time you receive the offer and you return requesting for our services, we cannot guarantee that we can offer the same proposal. Our proposal is based on the competitive market evaluation for that week and how open our schedule is for the quarter. It also depends on the projects that we have accepted since the last proposal was sent. All these factors are considered when a proposal is offered, so when you see a great offer, accept it!
COMPLIMENTARY SEO / SMM OFFERED AFTER WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT?It is case to case basis that complimentary SEO and SMM is offered and included in a proposal for website development. The factors we consider are, the price point of the website development (meaning the price paid for the website is above $2,500.00 and the difficulty of the project also factors in). This offer is based on the competitive market evaluation for that week and how open our schedule is for the quarter. It also depends on the projects that we have accepted since the last proposal was sent. All these factors are considered when such service is offered. The start date of the complimentary SEO / SMM is not when the invoice was sent, but when the invoice was paid. Cloud 9 Marketing does not take responsibility for advertising cost ( this is common practice). The business receiving service is responsible for advertising cost / budget. Cloud 9 Marketing based on our experience in the industry will provide a suggested advertising budget for the business, that we feel can be a successful initial start. Keep in mind, as the business grows, consider growing the advert budget.
CAN A CLIENT REVOKE OUR ACCESS WITHOUT APPROVAL?Short answer is YES. Cloud 9 Marketing's access is by client discretion. This means that you can remove our access at anytime. We do not hold you hostage because we believe in transparency. (Ex: Once the website is complete, you can remove our access without us approving you.) When access is removed, the working relationship is done. If a change of mind from the client happens, it is up to Cloud 9 Marketing to accept or deny the offer. Our job is to provide you the service you hired us for and to do the best we can to make sure we deliver a product that you are proud of. For the most part we meet or exceed expectations.
ARE CONFERENCE CALLS RECORDED?Absolutely. All conference calls are recorded for the clients and Cloud 9 Marketing's protection. It is to keep everyone honest. All client communication and work is kept and stored in our client archive to access if needed on a later date. Ex: Most Uber drivers or Lyft drivers have a camera to record their passenger interaction. Uber and Lyft approves this, to protect the driver and the passenger. Anyone not comfortable is probably a passenger that the Uber driver or Lyft driver should avoid. We feel the same way in regards to our project interactions. This practice is generally supported by many because it keeps everyone that is involved in check.
WHEN WE PAY, DO WE RECEIVE AN INVOICE?Absolutely! We use a highly rated and well known merchant services. Quickbooks Merchant and Square Merchant are in many professionals top 10 all in one merchant service application. Attorneys, Private Practices and many well known businesses throughout the United States use Quickbooks and Square. We have been around for over 5 years and understand the importance of providing our clients with a professional invoice / receipt with all the details that you requested for the project or service. This is common practice for many professional businesses.
BOTTOM HEADER OF MY WEBSITE?It is common practice for local marketing companies and web developers to place their link on the bottom header of the website they have created. This is to take care credit of the web design they have created/developed for the business. This allows the local marketing company and or web developer to provide competitive cost to the business owner in need of a professional website design since they are being recognized for their development and creative work. Cloud 9 Marketing offers competitive pricing for this reason providing many happy customers with a professional website they are proud of since August 2017! If you want a website design created/developed by us without being recognized for our work, the cost of the website will be priced at a much higher rate, since you are requesting something normally only done by many of the Fortune 500 Companies. We will be happy to make this happen compensated fairly at a standard industry rate for this special request.
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